Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The biggest threat to health today is neither cancer nor AIDS and its no exaggeration to say that people are being assaulted by it. Stress is defined as any physical, chemical or emotional factor that cause bodily or mental tension. Whether young or old chronic stress can take a heavy toll on your health. When you feel stressed your heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar rises, hormones are released. If the stress becomes persistent all parts of the body's stress apparatus the brain, heart, lungs, vessels and muscles become chronically over or under activated which may produce physical or psychological damage over time. The list of illness in which stress may play a role is alarmingly long ranging from heart disease, stroke, immune disorder, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes to name just a few.

One important truth is that stress is a fact of modern living that can not be avoided entirely. Thus a mild degree of stress can sometimes be beneficial as its observed that feeling mildly stressed when carrying out a project or assignment often compels us to do a good job and to work energetically.
Stress becomes a problem and produces is negative effects when it becomes overwhelming or poorly managed. Of particular concern is the unhealthy way in which many YOUTHS try to cope with stress as their desire to escape from stress they take routes such as alcohol, drug abuse, truancy, sexual promiscuity, aggression, delinquent and violence which often leads into problems more overwhelming than those they were trying to escape.
Since stress is normal, we have to control it but lets see some of the major causes of stress in todays world, they range from financial stress, educational stress, marital stress, relationship stress, work/job stress, to parenting stress.
The following are helpful on how to reduce stress they include:
giving your body sufficient rest each day,
maintaining a reasonable healthy diet,
avoid over eating,
engage in proper regular exercise,
when worried speak to a friend (who listens) about it,
setting realistic goals to avoid being a perfectionist,
set aside time for yourself,
be organized with a balanced reasonable schedule,
know your physical and emotional limitation,
make wise decision on spending,
cultivate good virtues like patience and mildness,
since stress is a modern day part of life it then must be managed effectively.

As a microbiologist by profession (i know u would be wondering) i believe stress is a human characteristics which has shown that man a complex being made up of cells, tissues, organs and systems can be worn out and must also be repaired.
I believe stress to have the acronym of
S- stop
T- think
R- relax
E- evaluate
S- situations
S- solve them
No matter what you do in life, or what you are faced with, never forget that in Christ Jesus, you will be too blessed to be stressed.

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