Wednesday, August 18, 2010

LIFE NA WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may be perplexed by my exclamation but when you are done reading this piece you may just do same. How easy do we forget some vital issues and never seem to forget trivial ones? How possible is it to develop oneself daily, when all one does is watch season movies, browse social networking sites and chat, or loaf doing nothing? How everyone wants to be great but never wants to go through the process to become it? How nothing ever seems to be getting better, if it ever did, it still ends up worse? How we can forget people’s birthdays but never forget the wrongs they did to us many years ago? How we always love to have people around us that we think we are better than, so we feel superior? How we all, myself inclusive complain about Nigeria when the problem of Nigeria is NIGERIANS? How we now wish we could be Goodluck Jonathan or Barack Obama, but fail to see that both worked diligently to get to where they are now and it never happened by chance? How we hardly remember the Bible or pray until we get into life threatening situations? How many times we expect people to do things for us that we could have done for ourselves? How we grow old daily, but hardly ever grow up? How we expect life to be a bed of roses, but who plant the roses? How we never fail to praise people when they are dead, when we never did when they were living? How we love to tell stories about great achievers and never plan how others will tell our stories as great achievers? How we live life as though it owes us something, oblivious that it only responds to what we demand? How time flies and inadvertently we have made little or no progress in five years? How we set out to do great things most times and end up doing little or nothing? How we always wished we were somebody else? How we never fail to miss an episode of super story, while our own life story is far from being super? How we don’t mind being in debt, for us to appear rich to the public? How we always wish we could turn back the hands of time, when presently we are just idling away making no good use of the present? How we always have poor/bad sound in church but in other events sounds are superb? How Bad things happen to good people? How I am now so short of words? Life indeed na wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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