Friday, August 13, 2010



When it comes to experience, we all experience more than we understand. Experience enables you to recognize the mistake when you make it again.
Lets face it- too much happens to us in life for us to be able to understand all of it. No matter how how smart we are our understanding will never catch up with our experience. So you must make the most of what you can understand and at the end of each day you should ask yourself ’ what have I learned today?’
Our attitude towards unplanned and unpleasant experiences determine our growth. Life is full of unforeseen detours. Consequences happen which seem to completely cut across our plans. But we should learn how to turn DETOURS INTO DELIGHTS . Treat them as special excursions and learning tours. Don’t fight them or you will never learn their purpose. Enjoy the moments and pretty soon you will be back on track again, probably wiser and stronger because of your little detour.
Lack of experience is costly. Our greatest ignorance is not of what we have yet to learn, but how little we really know. The ignorance of the young is a direct result of not having known enough consequences. You cant avoid making mistakes but you can limit them, grow through them and not keep making the same ones.
Also, truth be told experience is costly, you cannot gain experience without paying a price. You have to hope that the price is not greater than the value of the experience. And sometimes you cannot judge what the price will be until after you have gained the experience.
Furthermore, not learning from experience is more costly. It is tragic to pay the price for experience and not learn the lesson. But that is what happens when an experience is negative. We want to run away from it and say ‘ I will never do that again’. No, don’t run away from your experience, instead evaluate and learn from them. Remember evaluated experience lifts you above the crowd. People who make it a practice to reflect on their experiences and learn from them are rare.
The school of life offers many difficult courses. Some we sign up for, others we find ourselves taking unexpectedly. All can teach us valuable lessons, but only if we desire to learn and are willing to reflect on these lessons.
Contrary to what you may have heard, experience is not the best teacher- evaluated experience is the best teacher. Everybody has some kind of experience but what you do with your experience is what matters. Learn to reflect and evaluate your experience.
To win in life, you must learn to turn your experience into wisdom. So slow down, wisdom is gleaned over time, not overnight. Then drill down, the treasure is there but you have to dig for it. Finally, get down. Yes get down on your knees and talk to God, because… the Lord gives wisdom…(Proverb 2:6)

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